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Scissor Lift

The lift is the part of the machine responsible for ensuring the pallet is loaded at the correct height (top of the cycle), moves downwards in appropriate increments as each row is loaded, and lowers to the correct height ready for unloading. 


The design of this piece had to be carefully considered so as to ensure it could support the loads being worked with safely, so it could move in accurate increments to ensure it stops at the correct positions, and so it would be a reliable mechanism such that there is a minimal risk of failure during operation.


As such the scissor lift mechanism was chosen as the best option, and all appropriate calculations were carried out to ensure the materials used were appropriate, also a power screw driving mechanism was chosen which offers a high degree of accuracy as per the requirements of the design.


This piece was designed using an iterative process with each generation improving on the previous one - the final design was deemed most appropriate in simplifying the manufacture and assembly process as much as possible whilst remaining suitable to the requirements.

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